Trees for Mother Earths Children

My friend gave me the packet on Wednesday. It had seeds in it, some soil, a small pot, a painting and some instructions. ‘Its a gift’, she said. I accepted but not without realising that this was not just a gift for me. This is a gift for Mother Earths Children.

Paris Agreement 2016
Friday 22nd April (today) is the day of the signing of the Paris Agreement and it seems to be making big news as the most ever countries pledge to work together to make our planet enjoyable and fit for living for all of its people. Climate is something we need to consider. Already we have evidence of changes in our climate. Some countries experience the changes in a more dramatic way than others.

Art of Miriam Brennan Ireland
The sceptics may say its just a cycle or its evolution. I agree with some aspect of this but I also hear a hint of ‘they’re not going to tell me what to do!’ Personally, I think there is a resistance to being told by some higher power ‘you must change your ways’ and with all higher powers there is suspicion as to ‘who is making money on this’. Mother Earth will have the final say.

The Gift for Mother Earths Children
These are just the impressions I get from hearing negative remarks with regards to folk who have good intentions for our planet and all its people. By developing the mindset of thinking about others and not just ourselves are we not stepping closer to eliminating our conflicts with each other?

Back to the gift. I am planting the seeds of the apple tree which my friend and artist Miriam Brennan asked me to sow. Miriam has created many of these packs as part of her art project and has provided them to her friends for Earth Day today.

#Trees4Earth Miriam Brennan Artist
Friday 22nd of April 2016 is Earth Day adn the day the World Leaders sign the Paris Agreement for Climate Change, in New York. The UN Climate Change organisation @UNFCCC are promoting a project #Trees4Earth with the aim of planting 8 billion trees by 2020, one for each person on Earth. Trees remove carbon and therefore clean and cool the atmosphere. The UN are asking people to plant a tree or draw a tree or hug a tree adn post their photos and actions on social media.
#Trees4 Earth #ParisAgreement
I am currently creating an art collection entitled ‘The Sacred Lives Of Trees’ which you are welcome to view here.
Enjoy your trees, they do much more than clean our atmosphere, they are also a source of spiritual essence.
You can follow Miriam Brennans work on Twitter @m_brennanmir

Apple Tree Seeds
©Caroline Cunningham Artist and Writer